仲喺度諗緊數碼轉型貴到離地?網絡安全複雜到頭暈? 放心啦,生產力局「數碼不求人」實幫到你! 除咗提供實用嘅數碼方案,仲可以幫您提高營運效率同時保護網絡安全!
香港生產力促進局「數碼不求人」平台 同 香港中小型企業總商會將會喺2024年8月28日合辦「中小企睿智營商及網絡安全方案展覽日」。我哋邀請咗一班商界領袖同行業專家,親身分享最新嘅數碼科技方案,同網絡安全策略,無論您想「攻」定「守」,同樣有計可施!
[Empowering SMEs for digital transformation and strengthen cyber security!]
Are you looking to boost your operational efficiency and strengthen cyber security, but hesitated about the costs and complexity?
Join us at the “Empowering SMEs for Digital Transformation: Smart Growth and Resilience Solution Day” co-hosted by HKPC Digital DIY Portal and The Hong Kong Chamber of Small and Medium Business. This event offers a unique opportunity to discover cost-effective and digital solutions tailored for SMEs. You’ll gain invaluable insights from industry leaders and experts while exploring cutting-edge technology and cyber security strategies.
Our event features over 15 interactive booths showcasing solutions across 5 key business areas: HR Management, Finance & Administration, Customer Service, Sales & Marketing, and Cyber Security. You’ll have the chance to experience hands-on demonstrations of practical digital tools and network with industry peers and solution partners.
Whether your focus is on growth strategies or defensive measures, this event offers valuable insights for all SMEs looking to thrive in the digital age.
Ready to transform your business into a digital frontrunner? Register now to secure your spot and unlock new opportunities for success. http://u.hkpc.org/bc4